Hi lovely people,
I’m running a bit late this month I’m sure you’ve missed me. So as there is nothing like a deadline here is my November newsletter on the last day of the month.
LEGO Eurovision, if you haven’t seen Fire Saga check it out it is amazing and I don’t even like Will Farrell. Of course, there is a LEGO version to make me even happier.
November sucks. It is full of grief and memories. I’ve fallen into a bit of a grief hole, not sure why but this year has been a tough one. I’ve been going through some of the parents’ photos which helps and doesn’t help at the same time. Anyway if you haven’t seen them I’ve attached some classic parent shots from 1969/70. Double double denim is definitely a standout.
Yes that weird thing that I do sometimes. This month has given me the opportunity to write assessments for courses next year which we need to have approved before Christmas. Yesterday I sent them off. It was challenging and interesting. I’m now on TAFE holidays until late January. I still have a couple of year 11s but everyone else has finished for the year.
House news
Rachel and Kris have brought a house so they will be moving out next month. I’ve decided to do some renovations upstairs. Painting, the floors and probably the kitchen. Not sure what I’ll do in the long run. Nothing like booking myself up with lots of stuff in my holidays.
I went to a welding class this month. It’s been on my list of things to learn for ages. I went alright. But I can’t recommend the class that much. I didn’t walk away feeling like I had achieved much or learnt that much. As an intro it was OK.
Diving into the past
The BBC Archive has a range of documentary and clips from the past. Some highlights that I’ve found so far, David Attenborough, 1951 Orkney wind turbine and the travel and transport collection. Just for Robert, Electronic Music Collection
I came across this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt and it made me smile. “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”
I may have misinterpreted it. I will leave the interpreting up to you.
My spring playlist is now completed. Check it out on Spotify. This is a collection of songs that I have enjoyed this spring. Most of them have been recently released a couple of them are new finds for me. I have also got ones for the last couple of years, 2017, 2018 (it’s very short) and 2019 if you are keen to find out what I was listening to then.
Well not really travelling but travelling through music. Some of you may know I am a fan of the Japanese band ARASHI. This year is their 20th Anniversary, so I splurged and brought 4 DVDs of their concerts. They are so so so awesome in concert if you are keen you can check them out they are on YouTube, in this concert or this concert. Because I’m an ARASHI fan I got guided to this playlist on Spotify. It contains lots of different artists from Toyko so I’ve been getting into some of them as well. I have been enjoying some Japanese snacks from DAISO while watching and listening. It’s like travelling to japan without the packing, flying, people and jetlag.
How could I not include some sport? 🙂 I’m grateful that Romain Grosjean walked away from his crash in F1 yesterday. I haven’t seen a fireball like that in ages. Here is a link to the crash if you are interested but be warned it is very scary. Modern safety is amazing.
Thanks for reading.
Have fun